Rumah > Produk > Klem Kabel Fiber Optik > Penjepit Kawat Serat Jatuh FTTH, ODWAC-22P
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Penjepit Kawat Serat Jatuh FTTH, ODWAC-22P

The drop wire clamp ODWAC is composed of a body, a wedge and a plastic shim.

A solid wire bail is crimped to the wedge.

Clamps are made out of stainless steel and plastic.

Tipe PenjepitDiameter Kurir,mmBahanBeban Putus Min,KNKemasan
ODWAC-22P12*6Baja tahan karat1.231*27*27cm, 500 pcs/karton

Fitur Utama:

 Instalasi mudah, tidak diperlukan alat lain.

Stainless steel material.

Umur panjang

Harga penjepit ketegangan yang kompetitif

Produk cepat

Penjepit ujung buntu dengan ketahanan korosi

This ftth clamp produces with high strength stainless steel. This clamp no need tools for when installation and don’t damage cable.

Stainless steel will not rust, it guarantee long service life, and it can attach to the pole brackets and hooks. All the accessories for FTTH lines can be provided by FOCA.

Semua klem FTTH lulus uji laboratorium, seperti uji suhu dan kelembaban, uji kekuatan tarik, uji penuaan, uji ketahanan korosi, dll.

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